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April 16, 1935 cont
Left camp 3 and at 330 drove to Ithaca NY arriving at 10:30 PM after traveling thru a blinding snow storm all the way. Could see nothing of country. Saw two fox sparrows & a Purple Finch on the Allegheny NF today 4 deer
April 1 [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 7, 1935.
Met Bump at [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] 7:30 AM in hotel & in his car went to Howard Island game refuge where game people making 400 acres of Black Duck marsh by dyking. Have p[[?]]ied breeding slicks in each pond in pen. Very interesting. Then to Ithaca & got my car starting for Sherbourne. Terrible roads - about six inches of snow badly drifted. We helped about six cars out of ditch and had to be helped twice. Also two flat tires to change in the snow Altogether a hell of a day. Arrived at Shelbourne tired & sleepy but did do a little work on notes & papers.
April 18, 1935.
Left Shelburne for game farm after taking car to garage for repairs of front wheels which are so out of line that I can scarcely drive the car. The Sherburne farm is a very ambitious plant. Mr. Rogers the man who runs it has a few [[underlined]] Canada geese [[/underlined]] that have bred there for years raising a few young that fly off & usually fail to return. He has about 40 and last year raised about 90 from them. Has the Rogers strain of mallards doing the same. These birds are very free flying & may be valuable. He also had a bunch