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April 19, 1935 cont.
are able to get away from males at will by flying over low partition which the clipped males can't make. Went out to Vesliers Ferry to see [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 750 acre duck refuge which will make an ideal place It lies along old Erie canal & is natural bottom protected by dikes. He plans to plant willows in dyke & also to have a moat around [[?]] so hunter cannot climb the dike & shoot into refuge. Fine place this dike looks a little frail to me. Had to have two more tires as rubber & cable was showing thru in the old one. Arrived at Bennington in 2:00 PM & met Ranger A. C. Van Nort. Very serious minded cuss who takes himself & his work very seriously. We looked over improvement cutting in Peru district. Mostly beech had been cut to release younger stands of beech - sugar maple etc. Comparatively little crataegus - Some Amalanchier lots of pin cherry. Some black cherry, some wild cherry, apple trees. Frost consists of red spruce, beech, yellow birch & maple. Typical forest service job. Comparatively light & left all fruit & nut trees except old wolf beech trees. Wild life saw a coon, & a fox track - one old deer track, lots of red squirrel sign & track - two snow shoe rabbit tracks, and lots of mouse signs. Some porky damage & some weevil damage. Little evidence of winter browse by deer even Viburnum [[alnifolinum?]] being practically untouched. Some sloppy work here in cutting needlessly birch & sugar maple