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April 19, 1935 - 
That had better have been left. Left ranger at 8:00 PM & drove to Montpelier in Burlington 150 mi arriving at 1:00 PM tired as the devil
April 20, 1935
To see state forester Perry ^ [[insert]] H. [[/insert]] Merrill and had a most discourteous reception. He read papers & shuffled them  all the time we were there. He made us no offer to cooperate & spoke slightingly of Forest Service & Inspection Service.  Supposedly trying to show his importance. We finally succeeded in prying out of him one location of a state camp in Groton Forest & went out there. He couldn't go because he had to make garden & didn't offer to phone ahead & make any arrangements for us. We went anyway & found Mr Newton Scaling logs He had the biggest yellow birds log I've seen and it was nearly two feet in diameter. Very cordial & took us out to S.SI works Like all state works it has been exceedingly heavy from a forest service standpoint. Lots of Viburnium Al[[?]] (witch [[?]] 2 Hooke bush) left as undergrowth which will make a reliable jungle of it in a year or two. Lots of fire cherry which was mostly dead. Fire had been thru recently. Stand largely spruces small stuff altho some patches of good sized stuff. Yellow & white birch & red maple comprised most of stand. Saw one deer track & no grouse sign. Mr Newton says deer well distributed but not abundant anywhere Found little sign of browsing