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April 22, 1935
in this area adjoining the yard is a dense stand of young balsams. He had succeeded & deer had browsed heavily this winter in the young shoots which resulted. The old tops had also been browsed. Next year there will be double the available browse with the same wood growth because of more doings.[[?]] Joe says 86 deer in this yard and 129 in valley. These 86 were in a series of connected yards which extended for a mile along the valley floor. Saw a bear track & log he had been working. No vegetation started except leaves of [[underlined]] Viburnum [[celiufolium?]]  [[/underlined]] This very interesting & best game country off the refuge. Should be followed up. Joe cut brush alive [[strikeover]] but [[/strikeover]] first but for last two seasons has had a C.C.C. crew 
Return to camp slow & powerful. a snow shelf broke under me & hurt my leg besides sousing me in ice water up over my knees. This soft snow is hell. 
April 23, 1935
Left Hotel at 8:00 AM. over to neighborhood of Bethel Marine & then turned south & east to Wild Pines CCC Camp & went up to wild River wild life refuge a state refuge. Enroute passed thru some beautiful stands of white birch which certainly made a picture against the green of the interspersed balsam. Travel six miles in a dump truck and then hiked in snow which was deeper & more rotten then yesterday