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June 21, 1935 cont.
Visited Santa Rita range reserve and was supprised to find a cactus patch filled with Mesquite. Looked badly overgrazed. The rodent & stock enclosures showed good grass cover - partly annual & partly perennial
The stock enclosure (allowing rodent activity was intermediate showing about 60% vegetative cover where rodents grazed. Plots in 15 years. Suggested Taylor work up his dope & send it in. Burrs weed taking range. Saw Culley-Pierson & Dr. Humphries. Felt there were some personel difficulties in Forest Service organization itself & that Taylor was not entirely to blame. Skinned birds in evening while visiting with Harry Bigglestone & his wife Ruth Reiche of old college days.
June 22, 1935
Left Tuscon 730 AM and arrived at Phoenix 1100 AM. stopping enroute at Casa Grande National Monument where I learned Mr. Ickes had parties going over the proposed reservations. Saw Norman Gellham who was interested in the Reno transfer. To Flagstaff at 700 PM where I inspected the new Biological Survey house.
June 23, 1935
Left Flagstaff at 600 AM via train for Albuquerque arriving 310 PM where met by Gilchrist Hot but cool compared to Phoenix To show with C.J. & Gilchrists.