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Aug 11, 1935
Went with Clara & kids up over Skyline drive in Shenandoah N.P. and then to Charlottesville to see campus of U. of Va.  Beautiful place & we had a nice trip.

Aug 12, 1935
Worked more on birds of Oregon & finished first 350 pages ready for edition.
General office work in office.  Called a conference of Departmental Committee appointed to work with resettlement administration.

Aug 13, 1935
General office work all day.  More work on Birds of Oregon.  Acting Chief for first time.

Aug 14, 1935
Out at Beltsville with Bressman & Committee.  The area tentatively assigned to us is much better than the old one.

Aug 15, 1935
Clara & kids left for Sunapee Lake.  The house will be a lonesome place without them.  Worked on Birds of Oregon all evening.

Aug 16, 1935.
In office all day finally clearing  both Dr. Bells' & my own desks.  Called to Bressman's office for another meeting.  Dairy Industry already trying to chisel on our allotment.