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Oct 2, 1935. cont.
(1)  Killdeer  3
(2)  Great Blue Heron (1)
(3.) Pied billed grebe  1
*4.  Sandhill Crane (60)
5.   Sparrow Hawk  2
6.   Ferruginous Rough Leg  1
7.   Marsh Hawk  1
8.   Coopers "   1
9.   Screech Owl  1
10.  Franklins Gull (50-60)
11.  Orange crowned warbler  1
12.  Chickadee  1
13.  Plain Titmouse  5
14.  Mourning Dove  3-4
(15) Meadowlark  2
(16) Red shafted Flicker  1
(17) Yellow  "      "     10-12
(18) Hairy Woodpecker  2
(19) Downy     "       1
(20) Nighthawk  2
(21) Red bellied Woodpecker  2
(22) Larksparrow  1
(23) Vesper sparrow  1
(24) White Rumped Shrike  1
(25) Turkey Vulture  C
26.  Crow  10
Saw a big flock of Cranes flying over in northwest corner of the refuge.  At headquarters they saw them split into four flocks & in the evening we went down to the Upper Cache Lake and flushed the entire bunch.  Tired tonight.

Oct 3, 1935
Early in the morning we went down to [[strikethrough]] Upper[[\strikethrough]] Lower Cache Lake and found where the Cranes(?) had killed a big bull frog and eaten all but part of head.  The sign was not good.  Crane tracks & coon tracks intermingled.  Saw a lot of woodpeckers - etc along lake shore.  While we were there the crane flocks came over again and Murie counted fifty six in one bunch & three detached birds.  From there we went down to