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Oct 3, 1935. Cont
and then to camp.  In afternoon we went back east - up Mt Scott & then down onto ungrazed area between it & lake.  Little Broom weed & Liatris there and several rank grasses even under the oaks.  Much the best part of the refuge except around headquarters.  Saw a great flock of Franklins gulls here and one miniature Ring Gill gull.  Then came to Lower West Cache dam and walked down past five dams & then hiked back up & on to headquarters.  Saw a doe with a  spotted fawn on one of the lake banks.  The fawn was having a grand time running along the shore splashing in the water.  Later saw two larger fawns & 14 Turkeys going into headquarters.  Pied bill grebes on nearly every lake.
1.   Ring billed Gull (1)
2.   Franklins     "  (50-60)
3.   Ring necked Duck  (2 Lost Lake)
4.   Lesser Scaup  2 Lost Lake)
5.   Pied billed grebes (10-12)
6.   Blue winged Teal (17)
7.   Shoveller (2)
8.   Great blue heron  2
9.   Sandhill Crane  (60)
10.  Killdeer  4
11.  Wilson Snipe  1
12.  Turkey Vulture (C)
13.  Red tailed Hawk (1)
14.  Marsh Hawk (1)
15.  Sparrow "  (2)
16.  Pigeon Hawk (1)
17.  Coopers Hawk  1
18.  Phoebe  2
19.  S[[?]] billed Flycatcher  5
20.  Kingfisher  5
21.  Red bellied Woodpecker  5
22.  Flicker  20
23.  Red headed      "       2
24.  Hairy Woodpecker  5
25.  Downy     "       1
26.  Mourning Dove   10-12
27.  Red winged blackbird  1
28.  Blue Jay  1
29.  Crow  C
30.  Meadowlark  2
31.  Nashville Warbler  1
32.  Orange crowned "   1