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Oct 3, 1935 cont
33.  Myrtle Warbler  3-4
34.  Bluebird  C
35.  Robin  1
36.  Tufted Titmouse  C
37.  Chickadee  1
38.  Carolina Wren  1
39.  Bewick's   "    (2)
40.  Song Sparrow  (2)
41.  Larksparrow  (2)
(42)  Wild Turkey  14
(43)  White breasted Nuthatch  2
Tired tonight and ready to go to bed at 9.45PM.

Oct 4, 1935.
Over ground for buildings - too Lower Cache Lake to discuss clearing there & to Buffalo pasture to see proposed lake for migratory waterfowl.  Left Wichita Forest at 1.00PM with [[strikethrough]] Taylor[[\strikethrough]] French.  Caught train at Vernon Texas at 3.30PM and changed cars at Fort Worth.

Oct 5, 1935
Arrived Austin 5.00AM.  Bath, clean clothes & get some laundry done for first time in a week.  See Tucker & Taylor for conference.

Oct 6, 1935.
Went out with Dr. Tharp and looked over the country.  Birds scarce as hens teeth, but collected one [[underline]] shrike[[\underline]].
Saw a flock of about 75 [[underline]] Great tailed Grackles[[\underline]] and [[underline]] 25 Scissor tailed[[\underline]] Flycatchers along river in one bunch.  Nothing else worth recording