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Oct 13, 1935.  King Ranch cont.
21. Black Buzzard (C)
22. Harris Hawk (C) Tame & unsuspicious. Twice a pair dashed at me from around a tree when I was squeaking birds.
23. Sparrow Hawk 'C)
24. Duck Hawk (1)
25. Prairie Falcon (1) near Corpus ) Cristi)
26. Aplasmoda Falcon (1) *
27. Green  [[strikethrough]] Jay [[/strikethrough]]y 6 *
28. Great tailed Grackle C)
29. Rio Grande Meadowlark (C)*
30. [[strikethrough]] Streabs [[/strikethrough]]  Texas Horned Lark 25 or 30 *
31. Sennetts Titmouse  4 or 5*
32. Gray tailed Cardinal 3-4
33. Larksparrow (4)
34. Mockingbird (C)
35. Flicker 4 or 5
36. Red bellied Woodpecker 5-6
37. Nighthawk 2
Small birds scarce & hard to find. Got stuck in mud & had a hard time getting out.  wasting much of day. arrived  bad at Nonas Ranch at 9 00 PM.
Oct 14, 1935
  Left Nonas Ranch at 5 00 AM and arrived San Antonio at 1 00 PM. Interviewed George [[Shaegue?]] and then Day & caught a train at 3.30 PM for New Orleans
 Saw a few birds at Corpus Cristi on way up.
White Pelican 15-20
Brown Pelican 1 adult * new to me.