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Oct 24, 1935
Rush at Winchester & came on home arriving at 6.00P.M.  Worked on book in eve.

Oct 25, 1935.
General work in office.  Worked on birds in evening cataloguing some recently collected ones.

Oct 26, 1935
Worked in office.  Home with Clara about 2.00PM.  Took the Miss Broadwaters with us and had a nice afternoon & evening looking at birds.

Oct 27, 1935
At home cleaning up old papers etc.  Worked all morning around home.  Took the kids to Smithsonian for a couple of hours and they enjoyed it thoroughly.

Oct 28, 1935
In office general office work and working on a bulletin for the chief.  Just about finalised it.  Ballard out for dinner.

Oct 29, 1935.
Resettlement administration told us they were curtailing our funds & lands out at Beltsville.  Launched a vigorous kick thru Dr. Morley.  Needrach[[?]] out for dinner.

Oct 30, 1935
Dictated article on Forestry & game relationships.  Worked all day and cleared my desk by evening.  Garlough out for dinner.  Dean Buchanan of Iowa State in for a conference.