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Dec 19, 1935
In office all day. Clara June came home tonight and seemed mighty glad to be here.
Dec 20, 1935
Busy day in office. Plenty of excitement over numerous matters.
Dec 21, 1935
Worked all day. Clara & the kids came to office in mid afternoon but I didn't get away until late x
Dec 22, 1935
Snowed hard all day. [[strikethrough]] No chance to get out as I had planned. I [[?]] with the kids & Clara. [[/strikethrough]] Xmas Bird Census with Collum etc. See next sheet.
Dec 23, 1935
Drove to Richmond & return conference with Crasy State game Commissioner of Georgia and his assistant and Mr. Nolling & Mr. Hart of Virginia State Game Commission x Slippery as the devil with roads covered with ice & snow and the countryside beautiful in a white blanket.
Dec 24, 1935
In office in morning and home with kids to put up tree in afternoon.
Dec 25, 1935
Xmas. Kids have a great time. We go to Crouch's for egg nog and to Al Days' for dinner. Ate too much Turkey.
Dec 26, 1935
In office all day. Busy day for Xmas holidays. Plenty to talk about