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[[heading]]Article in bulbs[[/heading]]
Brodaea capitata
Erychronium montanium
Brodaea hyacinthoides
Calochortus purdyi
Pullularia lanceolata

World Traveler 247 Park Ave NY
"E.M. Reiben" Madame

Sept 30-1930
[[strikethrough]] Phlox [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]]
[[strikethrough]] Lloyd Bank [[/strikethrough]][[checkmark]]
[[strikethrough]] Diamond Lake Rainbow [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]]
Sterns Mt. [[checkmark]]
[[strikethrough]] gentians [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]]
[[strikethrough]] Best twelve [[Shubery?]] Rock [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]]
[[strikethrough]] Plants [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] Wild Flowers of Northwestern [[/strikethrough]]
Iowa & [[strikethrough]] results in [[flig?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]]
Snaky Greenheads
or Greenheads of the Snake

Transcription Notes:
new to this writer -- taking it slow. he's a mystery! Correct spelling for 1st name is Brodiaea but have left it as written. Likewise 2nd should be montanum. Couldn't find anything for the last one.