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March 24, 1936
after getting fellows car out of way. He had locked it & set brakes and blocked our exit. Drove to Pea Island ferrying across the Oregon Inlet. saw quite a few birds 
Great Black backed Gull 8-10.  some within 20 yards.
Herring Gull. very abundant
Ring billed Gull common
Bonapartes Gull quite a few
Laughing Gull few
Gannet six or eight
Red breasted Merganser. several thousand around Oregon inlet greatest congregation I ever saw of any merganser
Black Ducks scattered pairs
Canada Goose several thousand.
Baldpate 4
Bufflehead 2
Brown Pelican 2
Black bellied Plover few
Red backed Sandpiper few
Sanderling few
Yellowlegs few
Piping Plover 1
Meadowlark 6-8
Boat tailed Grackle 6.
Saw practically no land birds & didn't have time to hunt for them. Met Walker the new warden who seems very nice & Burtch at Washington where we arrived at 800 PM.