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May 1, 1936
On the way into Devils Lake ran into a flock of thousands of [[underlined]] Lapland Longspurs[[/underlined]] and collected four. Saw comparatively few birds. Stopped at Arrowwood Lake Camp and saw John Ball - Miller and several others. Saw refuge manager also. Skinned 4 Lapland Longspurs & 2 chestnut collared Longspurs this evening
May 2, 1936
Left Jamestown 630AM arr Aberdeen S. Dak at 12 midnight. Travel to Arrowwood Lake Camp & circle Arrowwood Lake & then south thru the refuge to Jim Lake. Lots of Swan, etc. Good project but water supply short
1. Whistling Swan 1200
2. White fronted goose fl }
3. Snow goose             }    about 600
4. Canada goose           }
5. Blue Goose             }
6. Canvasback few
7. Scaup few
8. Mallard " [[ditto for: few]].
9. Blue winged Teal C
10. Shoveller C
11. Baldpate few
12. Gadwell few
13. Pintail C
14. Hungarian Partridge C
15. [[underlined]]Hudsonian Godwit[[/underlined]] 1. My first bird
16. Marbled godwit several
17. Lesser Yellowlegs " [[Ditto for: several]]
18. Willett 1
Few land birds