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May 12,1936 con.
treaty enabling act. No action but Pittman put it thru the Senate in the afternoon.

May 13, 1936.
In office most of day. Spent morning in Civil Service Commission trying to get McAtees classification thru. Mac was along & should have been grateful but rewarded my efforts with the worst tantrum I've heard yet about Cottum & his bunch.

May 14, 1936
With Cottum, Uhler & Martin to Port Tobacco for their May day census. Beautiful day cool & clear but the high wind combined with the advanced foliage made bird notes difficult. We saw no water fowl & few shore birds. Warbler migration past its peak. Black poll Warblers more abundant then others. Saw more yellow breasted chats then ever before in one day. Saw one Slate colored Junco. several grasshopper sparrows and Prairie Warblers. Killed a King Rail an unbelievable distance away with a 32 caliber shell. Lovely day and a good workout.
1. Great Blue Heron 8.     10. Black Vulture 1
2. Green Heron 2.          11. Bob white 10
3. Black crest Heron 3     12. King Rail 2
4. Bittern 1               13. Killdeer 6
5. Turkey Vulture 50       14. Wilson Snipe 1
6. Red tailed Hawk 2       15. Spotted Sandpiper 9
7. Red shouldered Hawk 1   16. Solitary Sandpiper 2
8. Marsh Hawk 1            17. Mourning Dove 15
9. Osprey 2                18. Chimney Swift 200