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June 12,1936
Felt rotten as hell all day didn't do much but loaf. Looked about refuge for a while but did little else. Skinned a bird or two & fished in evening without too much luck.
June 13,1936
Feel better this morning. For two nights I've slept from nine to seven and that together with the let down made me feel fine. It has made an amazing difference in the tension I'm under. Dont intend to do a damn thing today except prepare talks for the aberdeen meeting & Detroit Lakes meeting and wrote a letter to Clara.
Conference with Amundsen & various members of the staff. Dinner at Amundsens
June 14,1936
Left Niobrara at 500AM and drove to Aberdeen and on out to Sand Lake for a short visit. arr Aberdeen 200PM
June 15,1936
At Convention State Isaac Walton League speak in P.M. out to Sand Lake in evening after seeing Jean Norris a high school classmate for the first time since I left Sioux Rapids
June 16,1936
Over refuge with Tonkin & Dumont. I was much amused at the [[underlined]]Bank Swallow[[/underlined]] colony which had dug holes in walls to seed storage cellar before the job was completed. Visited Jim & Arrowwood and then into Fargo at 11.30PM. Ran into some womans convention & had to go to a third rate hotel.