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Jan 16, 1937
   The Van Devanter story leaked this morning all over the front page of the Post. My telephone rang all day from reporters who wanted me to talk. Lunch with Fisher & Gauntlett
Jan 17, 1937
   More Van Devanter stuff. More reporters no talking. I wish they would let us alone and let us enforce these laws in the courts instead of the newspapers. To Silvers in evening for a while.
Jan 18, 1937
   In office. Saw Carl Shoemaker in evening & had a nice visit with him while I made up birds. Saw Appleby 3:30 PM.
Jan 19, 1937
   In office all day working on routine The quietest day in weeks.
   Staff meeting Salyer talking. good talk. Lunch with Richards of T.V.A. Worked all pm on mail. Conferences with Diffenbach, Salyer, Lincoln, etc. Home at night very tired. Tomorrow is inauguration & I have to go to a dance tonight.
Jan 20, 1937
   The dance last night was fun & both Clara & I had a good time. Woke early this A.M. and read papers & then worked at home all day. It rained cats & dogs steadily. Wrote Albuquerque speech & also four articles for Wild Life Inst. Finished at midnight. Tired 
Jan 21, 1937 In office all day. Wrote letters & dictated another article. Saw my