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down & left us in good shape.  Everything 
was friendly and amicable & we profited 
by the meeting.
Mar 3, 1937.
   Organization meeting.  It went over 
with a Bang.  [[Ding?]] reelected & everyone happy.  41 states represented.  Worked until Midnight.  Banquet in evening.
Mar 4, 1937.
   Gave my talks this morning.  Had 
an excellent crowd and they seemed to 
be in a friendly mood.  Visited with 
people until 2:00 AM
Mar 5, 1937.
   Talked to our gang about how to work 
with people & among themselves.  Darling 
there.  Henderson talked.  Met all day with Regional Supervisors and ironed out many matters that were awaiting solution.
Mar 6, 1937.
   Attended the Bell's meetings & Salyers 
meetings.  Took 6:00 PM train home
Mar 7, 1937
   Arr Washington at 5:00 PM & Clara 
met me.  Home for dinner. tired as a 
dog but no worse for wear.
Mar 8, 1937
   To office in morning.  Conference in 
Secs. office in PM.  Worked rest of day on mail.
Mar 9, 1937.  An influx of visitors which
nearly swamped me.  Lunch with Fred 
Morrell discussing CCC Camps program. 
Staff meeting.

Transcription Notes:
(@AntelopeWest) Another note to the original transcriber. You can simply type the sentences as they are written without doing manual returns where the writer's lines end. Use manual returns where they are obviously needed.