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Mar 22,1937
   Very busy day in office. Worked hard on numerous things. First thing conference with Silcox and Eisenhower to get things straightened out on regional matters. Talk with Salyer, Young Bell etc. To Dr Stanleys and he put me on a rigid diet & treatment. 
Mar 23,1937
   Went with Jim Silver, Horace & [[Gascoyne?]] to look at the Susquehanna flats. Saw lots of [[individually underlined]] Canvasbacks, Redheads, Swan, widgeon & some Scaup, Black Ducks [[/individually underlined]] etc.  Returned home tired & sick.
Mar 24,1937
   Visit with Congressman Luecke from Michigan about the possibility of a research center in Michigan. Conference with Dr Gray [[about?]] Resettlement most of afternoon and had a workout at Washington athletic club. Home still feeling punk. 
Mar 25,1937
   In office all day.  Lunch with Dirksen of Ill. Another work out in W.A.C. & take train at 8:30 PM after meeting C.J. at train.
Mar 26,1937
  Arr Louisville at 1:10 PM and had a nap at hotel in PM. Spoke to Junior chamber of commerce in evening.
Mar 27,1937
   Toured Louisville and then took train 1:30 PM to Washington.
Mar 28, 1937
   Arr Wash at 7:30 AM & drove to New Market Winchester & Back to Washington. Tired & sick 

Transcription Notes:
(@AntelopeWest) Everett M. Dirksen was a house member from 1933-1949 and then a Senator from 1950-1969, a very influential guy. He is credited with saying, "... a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking about real money." In the 1960's a billion was big money.