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April 10, 1937
   Out to Beltsville with Leo Couch - Clara & the kids.  Didn't see or get many birds but had a fine time & a good walk.
April 11, 1937
   At home, worked setting out trees & bushes & fixing garden.  Jean helped all morning.  Rained in P.M.  Ballard & Solen White out.
April 12, 1937.
   In office all day busy on many things all little but important.
April 13, 1937
   Same as above.  Lunch at Cosmos club & back to office at 3:00 PM.
April 14, 1937
 At office all day.  Leaving on train for Columbia S.C. at 7:05 PM via Southern.
April 15, 1937
   Train delayed by wreck. Due at Columbia at 8:20 AM did not get there until 4:00 PM.  Meeting held over for us & we had a good crowd & a fish fry at the hatchery between rainstorms.
April 16, 1937
   Drove to Charlestown & then out on refuge.  Visited north end & Cape key & back at 8:30 PM.  Mayors luncheon & to museum.
April 17, 1937
   Out on refuge & to Bull Island saw lots of willetts, oyster catchers & my first Wilson Plover.  Altogether saw a dozen of them.  Brown Pelicans have nests made but no eggs.  Lots of