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May 8, 1937
Up at 4:00 AM with [[Cottum?]], Nelson & [[Uhler?]], to Port Tobacco for bird census.  Had a bad day. rainy & cloudy till noon but better in PM.  Saw the largest list of birds I ever noted on a Washington field trip.  Maryland Yellowthroats were everywhere. The greatest single migration of a species I ever witnessed on a land bird.  Woodland, fields, fence rows & bushes fairely erupted yellowthroats [[as?]]approached all day long.
1.  Common Loon  4                       25. Gr.Yellowlegs 1
2.  Great blue Heron  30                 26  Least Sandpiper 5
3.  Green Heron  3                       27. Semipalmated   " [[ditto for Sandpiper]] 1         
4.  B.C. night Heron  2                  28 Herring Gull 15
5.  Bittern  1                           29 Ring billed " [[ditto for Gull]] 10
6.  Baldpate  1                          30 Laughing " [[ditto for Gull]] 3
7.  Blue winged Teal  1                  31 Caspian Tern 3
8.  Ring necked Duck  2                  32 Mourning Dove 15
9.  Lesser Scaup  25                     33 Barred Owl 1
10  Ruddy  40                            34. Whip-poor-will 1
11. Red breasted Merganser  2            35 Nighthawk 1
12. Turkey Buzzard 30                    36 Chimney Swift Many
13. Black Vulture 10                     37. Ruby tr. Hummer 1
14. E. Red tail Hawk  4                  38 Belted Kingfisher 3
15  Red shouldered Hawk  1               39 Flicker 20
16. Osprey  15                           40 Red bellied Wdpkr 10
17. Pigeon Hawk  1                       41. Yellow  "  [[ditto for bellied]] Sapsucker 1
18. Sparrow " [[ditto for Hawk]] 1       42. Hairy Woodpkr 1
19. Bob white  15                        43  Downy " [[ditto for Woodpkr]] 10
20. Virginia Rail  1                     44. Kingbird 75
21. Killdeer  4                          45. Crested Flycatcher 10
22. Wilsons Snipe  1                     46. Phoebe 5
23. Spotted Sandpiper  10                47 Empidonax sp 2
24. Solitary " [[ditto for Sandpiper 6]] 48 Wood Pewee 2             

Transcription Notes:
(@AntelopeWest) This page will be much easier to review if you spread out the transcription side so each line stays intact, without wrapping. You could print the left side if your screen isn't wide enough to hold both.