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June 12, 1937
freely with Wilson and other various departmental matters. Played base ball a bit and got good & stiff in the legs. Stayed all night. Slept in room with Evans and Ezekiel
June 13, 1937
   Conferences up until 4:00 PM & then home to dinner with family & Broadwater girls.
June 14, 1937
   In office all morning. Visit with Sec and then a big job working with PWA estimates on a new basis.  Worked until late on it.
June 15 & ^[[ &16 ]], 1937
   Wrote checks - dictated letters - Checked final draft of $6,000,000 fund and duck stamp estimates up to July 1. [[overwrite]]June 16,1937 [[with]] Home in[[/overwrite]]evening to get a job of packing done.
June 17, 1937
   Left Washington at 8:00 AM & arrived Bridgeport Conn at 5:15 PM after stopping at N.Y.  Dinner with C.K after Ding & Fred [[Hubble?]] arrived.
June 18, 1937
   Slept late & down to Remington arms to see the plant operations.  The routine that those girls go thru is appalling to one unaccustomed to a routine of that kind tho they seemed happy enough.  Left Bridgeport 4:15 PM & change cars at Boston.
June 19, 1937
   Arr at Van Buren Main at 12:40P.M. Have lunch and then take a car to the Kedgewick river 80 mi away