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July 4, 1937. Cont'd
   Went swimming in PM & it was really lovely.  To Andersons for tea in PM.  A [[strikethrough]] July 5, [[/strikethrough]] cottage across the lake burned in the night last night.  We watched from our front porch.
July 5, 1937
   Clara June & I got up early & made a trip to the mainland looking for birds.  We were lucky enough to stumble on to an old clearing grown up to small aspens & birch. Saw a family of Magnolia warblers & one of [[Bluets & ?]].  We also found a Loons nest built on a tiny island.  It had two eggs on it:  Saw following birds
1.  Herring Gull  1
2.  Loon  2
3.  Olive backed thrush  2
4.  Downy Woodpecker  1
5.  Black throated Blue Warbler  3
6.  Magnolia Warbler  4
7.  Black [[strikethrough]] throated [[\strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] 4
8.  Redstart  1
9.  White throated Sparrow  (1)
Skinned eight birds.  Went fishing & helped Clara & the kids catch 29 yellow perch.  It kept me busy baiting hooks.
Came home went swimming - ate supper, filled the ice box & cleaned fish.
July 6, 1937.
   Clara & I up at 6:00 AM & rowed to the mainland via the Loons nest.  No change but Clara delighted to see it.