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Birds scarce but I collected a [[female symbol]] & a juvenile Canada Warbler.
1. Loon 1
2. Herring gull 1
3. Spotted Sandpiper 2
4. King fisher 1
5. Robin 2      15. Red breasted Nuthatch 2 
6. Flicker 1
7. Olive backed thrush 2
8. Canada Warbler 4
9. Redstart 1
10 Black throated Blue Warbler 1
11. "      "   [[dittos for Black throated]]   Green  "  [[ditto for Warbler]]    1
12  Red eyed Vireo (2)
13. Black Capped Chickadee 2
14. Downy Woodpecker
Home at 9:15 AM & skinned two birds.  Iris fooling around the big rock caught the big bass and played him for some little time but lost him.
   I fished for bass this P.M  Caught one 3# and had another into the boat but he flopped out again.  Clara & I caught six all together  One of a pound & two 1/2# others a little smaller.  A beautiful swim afterwards.
July 7, 1937
   Left home at 8:00 AM & went to Mamiuaki & then around the lake.  Had a picnic on Long lake & then home didn't collect but one Black throated Blue Warbler.  Saw a few other birds
1.  Loon [[writeover]] 4 [[over]] 5 [[/writeover]] (There are at least 3 pair on the lake)
2.  Herring gull  1
3.  Spotted Sandpiper  2
4.  Kingfisher  1