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July 9, 1937 (cont)
southwest corner. Mostly a jungle of small aspen, dogwood, & maple. Hot & sultry. A loon flew over calling loudly.
Saw following birds
1. Loon 4
2. Herring gull 1
3. Great Blue Heron 1
4. Spotted sandpiper 3
5. Hairy woodpecker 1
6. Kingbird 1
7. Least Flycatcher 1
8. Hermit Thrush 1
9. Olive backed " [[ditto for Thrush]] C
10. Robin (several)
11. Song sparrow 2 & 3yg
12. White tailed sparrow 2
13. Catbird 2
14. Rose breasted grosbeak (4)
15. Junco  1
16. Chestnut sided Warbler  1
17. Black & white  "  [[ditto for Warbler]] 2
18. Redstart  (10)
19. Canada Warbler   2
20. Black throated green warbler  1
21. Red eyed Vireo  (C)
Skinned 4 birds and had lunch and a dandy dinner.  Went fishing with [[Jenny?]] & Grace Gail.  Caught 3 bass one at least a pound.  The two girls came in at 4:00 PM & Clara & I went out and by 6:30 PM had 6 more the largest about 1 1/2 pounds.  Clara caught 1 and I five and we really enjoyed it.