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July 12, 1937
   Left at 6:00 AM around Lake with Clara
We went south a ways from Blue Sea and then around the lake returning about 4:00 PM.
1.   Loon  1
2.   Great Blue Heron  1
3.   Crow  several
4.   Marsh Hawk  1 [[male symbol]] saw it catch a robin in the air.  He dove into a tree and flushed the robin which tried desperately to get to the nearby woods.  However the hawk caught up  & got him to be promptly set upon by four crows.  The tree the robin flushed from was a rather open white pine.
5.  Downy Woodpecker  1
6.  Yellow bellied Sapsucker  2
7.  Flicker  1
8.  Bronzed Grackle  10
9.  Starling  6
10. Bobolink  4
11. Meadowlark  2
12. Brown Thrasher  1 South of Blue Sea
13. Catbird   2 at Blue Sea
14. House Wren  C
15. Winter  " [[ditto for Wren]]  1
16. Robin  C
17. Bluebird  1
18. Olive backed thrush  C
19. Black & White Warbler  4
21. Black throated Blue " [[dito for Warbler]] 1
22.  "" [[df Black Throated]] green " [[ditto for Warbler]] 1 (killed but lost)
23. Chestnut sided   " [[ditto for Warbler]] 2
24. Mourning Warbler  1 (killed & lost)

Transcription Notes:
(@AntelopeWest) At 4. it looks more like a female symbol, but in the next sentence he calls it "he".