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July 12, 1937 (cont)    46. Phoebe 3      
25. Redstart 1          47.      
26. Red eyed Vireo C
27. Philadelphia " [[ditto for Vireo]] 1 collected
28. Cedar Waxwing (4)
29. Crested Flycatcher 1
30. Least  "   [[ditto for Flycatcher]] 1
31. Alder  "   [[ditto for Flycatcher]] 1+
32. Vesper Sparrow (sev)
33  Savannah  " "[[dittos for Sparrow (sev)]] 
34  Chipping    " [[ditto for Sparrow]] 1
35  Song     "  [[ditto for Sparrow]] sev
36. Rose breasted Grosbeak 6
37. Scarlet Tanager 1
38  Goldfinch 4
39. Canada Warbler 2
40  Water Thrush 2
41. English Sparrow sev.
42  Barn Swallow C       46. Red Breasted Nuthatch 1
43 Chimney Swift C      
44. Rough winged Swallow 2
45  White throated Sparrow 6.
Skinned four birds and then went perch fishing with the kids. No results as they didn't appreciate our bacon rind bait.
Returned home for swim & sun bath and afterwards hiked to top of island.
Saw a pure Canadian zone association of hemlock, spruces, maple & [[birch]].
1  Black throated Blue Warbler [[male symbol]]
2  Sharp skinned Hawk 1
3. Red eyed vireo 1
4  Robin 1
5. Olive backed Thrush 1
6. White throated Sparrow 1

[[Lower Right corner Note]]
Fl of 6
Cedar Waxwings
flew over boat
near island
[[/Lower Right corner Note]]