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July 13, 1937 (cont)
   The rocky top of the little whaleback was covered with grass & a scatter growth of Red Oak, Hawthorne & Maple. upper slopes where we ascended a pure stand of red & mountain maple.  Lower slope - butternut, (scarce) birch, aspen, spruce & hemlock, blue cedar.  The two first confiders had suffered heavily last winter from ice, 10-12 feet of the tops being broken out of many of them.
Skinned give birds & swam twice
July 14, 1937
   Left at 7:00 to mainland and drove to Mont Laurier & return getting back to house at 1:30 PM.  Hot & still country difficult to hunt & tho I tried numerous places results were not good.  Did see a number of birds.  Country entirely cut over & a waste of rocks - aspen, birch etc. with small patch farms scattered about.
[[The following list is in two columns on this page]]
[[left column]]
√1.   Loon  2
√2.   Barn Swallow  55
√3.   Maryland Yellowthroat  3
4.    English Sparrow  16
√5.   Phoebe   3  
√6.   Savannah Sparrow  20
√7.   Starling  26
√8.   Bronzed Grackle  10
9.    House Wren  12
10.   Vesper Sparrow  4
√11.  Crow  12
√12.  Song Sparrow  6
13.   Rough winged Swallow  2
14.   Rw. blackbird  15
[[right column]]
√15.  Robin  5
√16.  Chickadee  4
√17.  White throated Sp  10
√18   Red eyed Vireo  15
√19   Goldfinch  10
√20   Bluebird  4
√21   Meadowlark  2
√22.  Kingfisher  2
√23.  Scarlet Tanager  1
√24   Least Flycatcher  3
√25   Ovenbird  3
√26.  Kingbird  4
√27   Redstart  4
√28   Magnolia Wr  1