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July 27, 1937 (cont')
We then walked up to sharp shinned Hawk nest and saw one of the youngsters take its first flight.  Fully feathered but tail short & down still evident on top of head & breast.  They have developed fast.  When we took them from the nest on the 18th they were all downy white but wing & tail quills barely showing.  On the 24th when we killed the two captives a few breast & back feathers showed & wing & tail quills half developed.  Today one of those in the nest could fly & was fully feathered out except for length of tail.
1.   Loon  1 + 2 = 3
2.   Herring Gull  1 + 1 = 2
3.   Black throated Green Warbler  1 + 2 = 3
4.   B " "  [[dittos for: Black throated]]  Blue  " [[ditto for: Warbler]] 3 + 2 = 5
5.   Canada Warbler  1
6.   Redstart  3 + 6 in PM = 9
7.   Olive backed thrush  1
8.   Red eyed Vireo  1 + 2 in PM = 3
9.   Kingfisher  1
10.  Chickadee  1 + 10 in PM = 11
11.  Sharp shinned Hawk  3
12   Blackburnian Warbler  6
13.  Chimney Swift  3   B & White Warbler  5
14   Tree Swallow  10
15   Barn swallow  1
16   Nighthawk  2
17   Red breasted Merganser  1 ad [[male symbol]] + 2 yg
Fished with Clara in evening but got only 1 small bass.  Heavy wind.  Had a very close view of the ad [[male symbol]] merganser & 2yg. not [[more?]] 15 yds.  Swallows appeared over the lake for