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Aug 6, 1937
In office except for a visit to Willis Robertson.  General hard work and conferences.  At home unpacked birds & fumigated them.  Had lunch alone.

Aug 7, 1937
In office until 7PM when I went home and labeled the Canadian birds.  Cottam[[?]] came out for a while but otherwise I was alone.  Worked until just midnight.

Aug 8, 1937
Up and out to Beltville.  Didn't have time to do much bird work as I was busy on a sawmill project & studying area.  Morley has made fine progress.  Collected an adult henslow sp.
Saw following birds.
1.   Red shouldered Hawk  1
2.   Turkey Buzzard  sev
3.   Downy Woodpecker  1
4.   Barn Swallow  sev.
5.   Chimney Swift  sev.
6.   Wood Pewee  3 or 4
7.   Kingbird  sev.
8.   Crow  sev
9.   Meadowlark  2
10.  Tufted Tit  4
11   Carolina Chickadee  2
12   Indigo Bunting  2
13.  Henslow sp  10
14   Grasshopper Sparrow  2
15   Song Sparrow  2
16.  Calbird  2