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Aug 16, 1937
Attended meeting of Western Assn of Fish & Game Commissioners. Elliott Barker tried to [[buck ?]] bill but didn't get anywhere with it. Talked to group & then visited around with fellows
Aug 17,1937
More of same. Elliott Barker tried to pass resolution damming survey but didn't make it. He was madder than a wet hen.  Out to Wigwam Club in PM & had a good time.  To Baileys in evening & saw some marvellous pictures of Bear River.
Aug 18, 1937
In offices all day visiting with Sperry, Saunders, Smythe, Garlough etc.  Took train at 4.20PM for Albuquerque.
Aug 19, 1937
Arr Albuquerque at 9.40AM.  Saw [[Krummes?]], Jennings, John Gallin etc & then [[?]], Lincoln & I set out for Texas.  Tried to see Mule shoe refuge but a terrific downpour made the dirt road impassible.  Arrived at Big Spring Texas at 10.30PM.
Aug 20, 1937
Lv. Big Springs Tex at 8.00AM & arr San Antonio at about 5.00PM.
Hot & muggy crossing the Mesquite belt.  Saw comparatively few birds.  Scissor tailed flycatchers in all stages of plumage certainly being the most conspicuous.