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Aug 22, 1937. Cant record all birds seen as many were unrecognised.  These includes dozens of hummers big & small none of which were familiar.
1.   Turkey Buzzard exceedingly abundant
2.   Black Vulture fairly common but mostly about native villages.
3.   Caracara  6 or 8 all including two that sat on a tree within twenty yards of the road & let us stop to see them
*4.  Mexican goshawk 2, one within 15 yds on a dead stub.
5.   Harris Hawk  3
6.   Hawk (?) like a marsh hawk in shape & build particularly tail.  Sat on a dead stub & let me examine closely.  Back brownish quite uniform.  Throat reddish fading to lighter color below.  Tail dark with 3 or 4 white bars narrow.  Somewhat smaller than marsh hawk.
7.   Green Jay 3 crossed the road in front of car.  Behaved exactly like other jays.
8.   Jay? five birds like huge California Jays crossed the road in front.  The blue however was darker.
9.   Dusky Flycatcher. These great [[?]] were common along the road on telephone wires & were much like Arkansas Kingbirds in action.  Saw perhaps 20.
10.  Ani Common sitting on dead twigs & posts behaving like a blackbird.
11.  Grackles common about clearings.
12.  Crow-C-a little bit of a cuss
13.  White necked Raven several near Monterrey.