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Aug 22, 1937.
   In Villes found nice hotel and enjoyed dinner.  Then walked to village.  Much more Mexican more indians.  Street booths filled with meats, sweets & pulque or cactus juice.  Many villages [[today?]] of thatched roofed & cane walls.  Kids all pretty but women ugly.  Went to bed at 9:30 PM tired out.
Aug 23, 1937
  Arose at Villes at 6:30 & walked with Lincoln thru the village.  Everyone was stirring early.  Houses all of poles & thatched very little furniture.  Saw benches, tables - a few chairs and one rope bed.  Also a few cots.  Supplies seem to be mostly fruit & vegetables. Every house on main street had a little shop in front.  Some selling bread - some cakes - fruit etc.  We saw numbers of birds but couldn't identify them all.
Saw many grackles like great tailed Grackles.  A large flock of red eyed cowbirds feeding about the village.  Acted exactly like our cowbirds.  Also found a slim black bird like a phainopepla which lacked the white wing patches.  It had a nice song and we saw it here and also later.
Saw more small & some huge hummers.
We left about 7:30 and arrived at Hotel Reforma in Mexico City about 6:00 PM.

Transcription Notes:
(@AntelopeWest) Pulque is a milky alcoholic drink made from maguey sap.