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Aug 26 - 37
ply their trade with crude tools.  I bot a number of trinkets for Clara & the kids.  The markets were full of strange fruits & blankets, serapes , etc.  On our way up from the market a tiny chap some two years old came along side & said "Ullo-Centavos" the only two words we could get him to say.  The cathedral was built by a silver mine owner named La Borda who promised god that if he prospered he would share with him.  He used to say "the people work for La Borda & La Borda works for God".  The church is fill with massive wood carvings - a dozen or more that reach from the floor up 20 feet or more & 12 feet wide.  It is very intricate and filled with angels figures etc.  All of it is covered with gold plate.  We had lunch at a beautiful hotel overlooking the town and drove back in the evening to Cuernavaca where we spent the night in another fancy place which was an old gambling hall known as the Monte Carlo of Mexico.  The walls are decorated with elaborate paintings & the Hotel La Sevilia is very fine at 12.00 pesos per day - meals included.  Birds were scarce.  We saw some Vermillion Flycatchers & Shrikes and of course plenty of Black Vultures and a few Turkey Vultures.  Saw other birds which could not be recognized.