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Aug 27, 1937
In morning arose feeling punk with dysentery.  Visited the palace of Cortes which is one of the oldest buildings of Mexico & therefore of the new world.  It is covered with [[?]] black & white figures which look as tho they were carved but are not.  We also visited the Maxmillian Garden & then started back to Mexico City.  We stopped for a short time on a mountain top and saw several birds.  Collected a chickadee, nuthatch & a kinglet like bird and I shot a beautiful black & white finch but blew its entire head off.  I forgot to say that we had a beautiful view of the two great volcanos that stand guard over Mexico City.  Popocatepetl the symmetrical (like St Helens) and Ixta which is a massive [[grant?]] like Rainier, both over 17000 ft.   We drove into a national park which is in an extinct volcano in which there are seven lakes all [[beauties?]] that we say.  The pine forests were lovely the entire country from Cuernavaca to Taxco was semi arid but these mountains were covered with pine & live oak forests full of birds   Saw a Pyrrhuloxia, a lot of brown towhees, a sparrow hawk. A bright red bird with white ears, lots of hummers, a small long