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Aug 29 - 37 cont
so Fred came on into Valles to get gun fixed & get started skinning birds.  Then Carlos Zinzer & I started along collecting  Saw lots of birds many unknown but collected the larger.
1.  Lizard Cuckoo.  Saw & collected two which acted much like yellow bills.
2.  Blue Grosbeaks  3
3.  Orioles  3 or 4
4.  Small flycatcher common Empidonax type
5.  [[Darby?]] Flycatcher  6  col 1
6.  Couches Kingbird  sev (3)
7.  Magpie Jay  2 col 1
8.  Buteo like small broadwing  1 col)
9.  Mexican Goshawk  2 col 1
10. Ani  many  col 1
11. Parrots - 2 - 8 - 6 - 16 altogether
12. Many small birds couldn't identify
Skinned birds with Fred until midnight,& later. tired as hell but glad to get the jungle stuff we got this afternoon.
Aug 30-1937
   Left Valles at 8:00 AM and drove thru to Monterey arriving at 6:00 PM.  I intended to start skinning but found that division of the baggage had left my equipment in the second car which did not reach Monterey until 9:00 PM  One hawk badly shot had been previously thrown away & I ruined a Couch's Kingbird trying to skin it