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Sept 1, 1937
and we saw few birds. Laughing Gulls, Royal Terns, Least Terns, Cormorants and Brown Pelicans were fairly common and two white pelicans seemed entirely out of place at this time of year.
Skinned two birds to help Fred out.

Sept 2, 1937
Arose at 5.30AM and left Corpus Christi at about 6.30AM.  Drove with Landen to St Charles Ranch which will be our Aransas refuge when the deal is completed.  We were met there by a Mr. Luckey one of the representatives of the ranch co which showed us about the place.  The present ranch headquarter bldgs are in good repair and can serve us admirably as a headquarters.  There is also a fine little concrete cabin under a beautiful grove of live oaks which will make a fine patrol cabin.  Roads are poor to non-existent and we bumped along over the country or slowed thru the sand.  The principal needs are patrol roads, fresh water development and a boat pier or landing in two places.  We came back to headquarters for dinner & drove out on St Charles Bay side of ranch in afternoon.   Water is low & scarce at this season but there are plenty of possibilities of developing more very cheaply.  We saw a beautiful assortment of shore birds and more herons of different species.