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Sept 2, 1937.
than I have ever noted in one day.
Lots of wild hogs which are undoubtedly too numerous for the good of the ground nesting birds.  We counted during the day 174 deer from the car winding up with seven beautiful bucks at the fence corner of the garden.  There were two five point bucks among the seven.  One little water hole held a collection of 1 Roseate Spoonbill (the first I've ever seen alive, 41 Wood Ibis, 12 Blue wing teal, a half dozen Snowy herons, 2 American Egrets and a good sprinkling of shorebirds.  Another had 300 or more mottled ducks one of which we caught & found to be literally cut to pieces by flying into the fence around the hole. These two places illustrate the possibilities of water development in the  area & the value of even small water holes to the birds. We also counted 39 wild turkeys & saw one armadillo. Had a late dinner at the ranch & drove to Victoria Tex where we finally wound up at the Denver Hotel. We were all so tired that our arrangements to [[meet?]] were very [[primative?]] and we spent an hour getting together finally getting settled in the hotel at 1100 pm.
Saw the following list of birds but didn't see any javalinas.