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Sept 27, 1937 (cont)
but skinned 9 birds that came from the monument last night.  Hell of a way to spend my birthday.

Sept 28, 1937.
Last session of conference this A.M.   I missed part of it and the staff meeting and went with Bressman to W.P.A. office which indicated it would allocate funds to us on Sec's recommendation for their reallocation.  Then returned and talked with Fred Morrell over phone about new C.C.C. camp for us in [[strikethrough]] Maryland [[\strikethrough]] Delaware.  I'm hopeful of getting it.  Came home in evening & got me 5 more birds skinned and then took Clara to hear the Symphony Orchestra of the Dept.  It was very good & very good music indeed & we both enjoyed it.  Stopped at monument for a few momenta, but no birds hitting.

Sept 29, 1937
Another strenuous day.  Had a conference with Appleby regarding the Sec's signing a letter to Fackner about the Delaware CCC camp and also re Resettlement Area. From there I went to meeting of Land Policy Committee and then to lunch with Sec gang.  Had a conference with Crouch & Salyer about the material to show Eisenhower and others on our land program.  Also one with Salyer & Dillon about Emerys[[?]] recent escapade and decided to get the dope on him and fire him if its true.  Also had