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Oct 9, 1937 cont.
5. Red bellied woodpecker 1
6. Flecher 6.
7. Yellow bellied sapsucker 1
8. Crow 20
9. Blue Jay 8-10
10. Starling 2
11. Robin fl 50 at Snowden
12. Tufted tit 4
13. Carolina Chickadee 2
14. White breasted Nuthatch 1
15. Brown Creeper 1
16. Ruby crowned Kinglet 1
17. Blasts throated Green Warbler 2
18. Blasts throated Blue Warbler 1
19. Maryland Yellowshurat 3-4
20. Goldfish 4-5
21. Towhee 15-20
22. Cardinal 5
23. Song Sparrow 10
24. English Sparrow 10
25. Catbird 4
26. Quail 15

Warblers were numerous but I could only identify those above.
Oct 10, 1937
At home where I conferred with Crouch about various matters and then to zoo where I met Walhor & there saw the new birds, snakes & small mammals including two golden cats & the clouded leopard.