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Oct 16,1937
8.  Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
9.  Red headed   "   [[ditto for: Woodpecker]] 2
10. Myrtle warbler  C
11. Bluebird 10-12
12. Slate colored Junco  (C)
13. White crowned sparrow  C
14. Harris Sparrow  4
15. Fox  "  [[ditto for: Sparrow]] 4
16. Clay colored "  [[ditto for: Sparrow]] 1 (?)
17. Chipping  "  [[ditto for: Sparrow]] 3
18. Goldfinch  1
19. Cardinal  2
20  Blue Jay  4
21  English Sparrow  15-20
[[strikethrough]] Oct 17,1937 [[/strikethrough]] Went out home with Jay [[Darling?]] for dinner & to stay all night.  Had a wonderful dinner & visit with him.
Oct 17,1937
   Slept late & then back to hotel to meet Rush.  Went with he & Emma to see Marjory at Grinell & then back to Des Moines & to Tonkins for dinner.
Oct 18,1937
   Up to office a while & then out to Omaha with Rush & Tonkin & then on to [[Lincoln?]] taking Bernie [[Maurek?]] along.  We arrived at 6:30 & I spoke over the radio & in a meeting of State Issac Walton League.  Talked until two o'clock with the gang.
Oct 19,1937
   I went to University and had a meeting with Wild Life Management Class and then to luncheon at