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Nov 22, 1937 cont.
passed one but no bucks.  Three bucks killed by about twenty hunters.  Had broiled venison which was delicious for dinner last night;  breakfast this am. & dinner tonight.  It consisted of back strap cut into thin slices & broiled over a charcoal fire.  Also brown stew made of boiled venison shredded up & mixed with onion.  Good but not so good as steaks.

Nov 23, 1937
Repetition of yesterday.  No bucks - several does.  Two bucks killed & brot in.  I left at 7.30 & drove to Hamlet where I caught 10.30 train north on seaboard.

Nov 24, 1937
Arr Washington 7.30AM.  Home for a bath - shave & to office where I was busy all day on many matters.  Clara & kids & I went to meet C.J. & one of her college friends & took them to the Green Lantern for dinner.  Enjoyed it a lot.  Then home & to a dance at Crouches.  Their new basement worked swell & everyone seemed to have a good time.

Nov 25, 1937
Beautiful day to eat wild turkey & roast mallard.  Both were delicious & Clara's dinner was a marvel.  Worked part of day in packing and also finishing bird article on Canadian field work this summer.  Wrote checks for Clara & Clara June & generally cleaned up preparatory to getting off on a