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Dec 5, 1937 (cont)
   Poole OK. Keyes uncertain but determined
to make good. Geo [[Holman?]] very unhappy and
feels that he has been discriminated against
probably right about it. Neff would like
a transfer nearer home if possible
Dec 6, 1937
   Lv at 7:30 AM.  Stop enroute & see Tracy [[Storer?]] and visit for a bit and then to Sacramento Refuge. See Gregson, Van Heusen inspect the works of [[Ruth?]] Dredger and other machines Windsor joined us with the Refuge boys & looked over work. Saw tens of thousands of geese in refuge and had a nice visit
at camp with the commander. Left at 2:00 pm and drove to Klamath Falls arriving about 9:30 PM.
Dec 7, 1937
   Looked over new refuge headquarters, new dykes and new quarters at south end of the lake. Fairchild seems to be doing a good job and able to carry his end of the load anywhere. Comparatively few birds
left altho mostly pintails seen. Probably 30,000 birds. Hunters killing spoonbills & little else. Geese practically all gone but those left largely honkers and staying at Clear Lake according to our boys. Drove to Corvallis arriving 9:00 PM.
Dec 8, 1937
[[strikethrough]] Spoke [[/strikethrough]] To Oregon Wild Life Federation meeting. Saw many old friends. Saw [[?]] etc and various other of our boys and visited around all day.