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Dec 11, 1937 (cont)
to see Solon White and then started with Morse to Devils Lake.  Al following in Rushes car.  Just as we approached Valley Junction a car stopped on pavement directly in front of us.  Morse managed to stop but Al was not so lucky - his car skidded squarely into the path of an oncoming car and wrecked both cars.  Al unhurt luckily and the occupants of other car escaped with slight injuries.  One woman hurt and take to hospital.  Dr. said she seemed O.K. but scared.  Went on to cottage & met Dean, Brant and Earl Price.  Had big feed & visit.  Dean has finished the other wing, put court in & walls to dock, built a boathouse, put in water system and finished interior of place with all sorts of gadgets.  Trees have grown tremendously.

Dec 12, 1937.
Motored about lake in Deans boat and then went to Corvallis with him.  Stopped to see Braly[[?]] & wife.  Their new little museum is a beauty, the displays excellent & well arranged and attractive.  Opened May 15 and already has had over 40,000 paid admissions of 10c each.  On into Corvallis and out to Roger Morse place for a visit with a dozen or more old time county agents.  Saw Hayden of Reclamation service and had a talk on proposals at Tule Lake.