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Dec 22, 1937
   Again busy. Talked to Land utilization division of secs office on our refuge program. Again worked out at gym. Came home in eve and had Judge Snow in for a visit. He came around alright on Back Bay and also on refuge below Washington on Potomac.
Dec 23, 1937
   Up at 5:00. Hotchkiss came at six and we picked up Nelson & Martin at the Dept Bldg: To Port Tobacco etc for annual Xmas bird census. Sky overcast and warm.  Saw the following birds:
[[The following list is in two columns on this page]]
[[left side column]]
1.   Horned Grebe  2
2.   Pied billed Grebe  1
3.   Great blue Heron  2
4.   Mallard  30
5.   Black Duck  10
6.   Baldpate  4
7.   Ring necked Duck  2
8.   Canvasback  23
9.   Lesser Scaup Duck  4
10.  Golden eye  7
11.  Bufflehead  2
12.  Ruddy  250
13.  Am. Merganser  18
14.  Turkey Vulture  10
15.  Black Vulture  10
16.  Red tail Hawk  1
17.  Sparrow    "  [[ditto for: Hawk]] 1
18.  Killdeer  7
19.  Wilsons Snipe  3
20.  Herring Gull  20
21.  Ring billed   " [[ditto for: Gull]] 3
[[Right side column]]
22.  Mourning Dove  50
23.  Barred Owl  1
24.  Belted Kingfisher  3
25.  Flicker  20
26.  Red bellied Warbler  12
27.  Yellow bellied Sapsucker  1
28.  Hairy Woodpecker  2
29.  Downy  "  [[ditto for: Woodpecker]] 30
30.  Blue Jay  18
31.  Crow  200
32.  Fish Crow  2
33.  Carolina Chickadee  17
34.  Tufted Tit  30
35.  White breasted Nuthatch  1
36.  Red  "  "[[dittos for: breasted nuthatch]] 7
37.  Brown Creeper  3
38.  Winter Wren  8
39.  Carolina  " [[ditto for: Wren]]  10
40.  Long billed M. Wren  2
41.  Mockingbird  4
42.  Brown Thrasher  1