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43.  Robin  50
44.  Hermit Thrush  11
45.  Bluebird  13
46.  Golden cr. Kinglet  32
47.  Cedar Waxwings  28
48.  Migrant Shrike  1
49.  Starling  30
50.  Myrtle Warbler  1
51.  English Sparrow  100
52.  Meadowlark  75
53.  Redwing  5000
54.  Grackle  4
55.  Cardinal  60
56.  Goldfinch  50
57.  Towhee  2
58.  Savannah Sp.  1
59.  Slate colored Junco  150
60.  Tree Sparrow  200
61.  White throated Sp  60
62.  Swamp Sp  1
63.  Song Sparrow  75
Total Individuals 6,776    Total Species 63

Dec 24, 1937
No work at office.  All day holiday & stayed at home to help with tree-house etc.  
Lazy day which gave me a real rest from the grind and first break we've had.

Dec 25, 1937
Xmas and all the kids home.  Swell Xmas.  Everyone liked their presents - Clara seems delighted with the silver and altogether we had a swell day.  Ate too much Turkey.  Carl Shoemaker & his wife over in the evening for a visit.

Dec 26, 1937
Got up at 8.00 balance of family not till noon.  Worked on papers etc all morning and went out calling in evening to Cheesemans.  Henry Davis, Mort[[?]] Palmer and Leo Couch formed the entire gang at Couches.

Dec 27, 1937
In office all day.  Many small things to take up with Stan Young etc.  Went to the