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Jan 29, 1938
Saw Kennedy for a few moments and then to the camp. Went over it. The new headquarters buildings look fine and the roads & dikes have made great progress. Everything looks good indeed. Then took boats for Ancilla river cabin. Fished a while after arrival and caught a sheepshead or two and a redfish. Saw thousands of [[underlined]] geese [[/underlined]] and great [[underlined]] flocks of ducks on the bay [[/underlined]]. Mostly [[checkmark]] scaup & mergansers but but also saw [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] bufflehead & ruddies [[/underlined]].
Jan 30, 1938
Went up river & walked a couple of miles on rails toward the refuge on the north side. Saw lots of small birds including quail etc. Came back & took boat back to St Marks where we stopped at lighthouse. Saw lots of geese and ducks on the return and thousands of geese about flats between the house & the light house. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Red backed sandpipers, [[checkmark]] [[?]], [[checkmark]] [[?]] & [[checkmark]] Ruddy turnstones [[/underlined]] most advantageous. Had the dept of justice man handling our [[strikethorugh]] correspondence [[/strikethrough]] conversations Waldon G. Starry up. He complained bitterly over the abstractor and also asked that we have the condemnations filed in the islands all in his hands promptly as possible.
Jan 31, 1938.
Left Tallahassee at 8.00 AM & went to Osceola forest a beautiful young growth of pine. Went thru the