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Jan 31, 1938
Bureau of Chemistry & Soils plant studying turpentine & rosins.  Forest is best Ive seen since leaving west so far as potential production is concerned.  left there at 2:00PM drove to Jacksonville & then to [[strikethrough]] Waycross [[/strikethrough]] Camp Cornelia where were met by Hopkins.
Feb 1, 1938
Over the Chesser Island area looking at trees cut by the CCC.  Can't see that they have done any harm whatever.  All trees cut have been badly damaged & not likely to live long.  Then out by canal to see the boat runs & buildings.  Fished a bit on chase prairie.  To CCC camp for dinner & then back to cabin.
Feb 2, 1938
Left cabin at 8:00AM arr. Savannah at noon.  To refuge to see buildings.  CCC operations and the dikes building.  Out to see some ducks but didn't have time enough to get into the swamp.  Work here progressing beautifully.  Docks etc. finished, [[strikethrough]] Boat [[/strikethrough]] house etc also finished.  Oil house and marine railway completed.  Left at 4:30PM arr Charleston 7:30PM
Feb 3, 1938
Lv. Charleston at 8:00AM and arrived at Moores Landing 9:00AM.  To Bulls Island and went out to see the ducks.  good concentrations of [[underline]] canvas backs, Blacks, Spoonbills, Scaup wood ducks [[/underline]] etc.  Saw new road to Jack Creek dyke and an [[underline]] avocet [[/underline]] near the dike.