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Feb 6,1938
   drove to Washington in time to catch the 9:00 PM Federalist to Boston. Terhune took me home & we had a drink & brandy there.
Feb 7,1938
   In office all [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] ^[[morning]] busy on many small matters which had accumulated in my absence. ^[[Congressional hearings in afternoon]] To [[Turk?]] shop in evening & to club but didn't get to see [[Marcus?]] pictures because of the great crowd.
Feb 8,1938
   In office again all day. on minor matters. Many conferences etc.
Feb 9,1938 
   In office again all day on more small matters. Left on 9:00 PM train for Boston.
Feb 10,1938
   Arrive Boston 8:00 AM. To Somerset Hotel. Conference all day with Commissioners on Pittman Robertson Bill. Visited with Arthur Clarke & Mr & Mrs Ellsworth in evening.
Feb 11,1938
   In Boston visited with [[Doug?]], [[Alyward?]]
etc and had a good time. Attended dinner in evening. Dean of Mass tried to ball me out about duck regulations.
Feb 12,1938
   Attend meeting & speak on Pittman Robertson bill. Good meeting & good crowd. Took midnight train &